deForm Formation (CZ) on BaDW

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Last year they were awarded in the Czech Grand Design and also granted an award of ELLE DECOR – „Young Talent“ 2013. The Czechoslovakian designer duo called deForm was founded in 2011 by Jakub Pollág and Václav Mlynář during their studies at the Prague Academy of Applied Arts. They are focusing on product design, furniture, interior design, design of exhibitions and advertising. They like challenges and are testing the untested. They try to keep the balance between commercial order and an independent creative approach. The goal is adding value. deForm exhibited, for example, on the Designblok 2013 – within Talent Card and on the Salone di Mobile Milan 2013 within prestigious Rossana Orlandi Gallery. Last time they brought 10 tons of ice on Vaclav’s square to instal the advertisement for NIKE. It suggests that their implementation is juicy, with a good punch line, well controlled in shape and surprising. Bratislava Design Week will present them within the  BaDW Future selection.


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