Bratislava Design Week has a New Headquarters!

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Bratislava Design Week has a New Headquarters!


For the first time, Bratislava Design Week is moving closer to the historical centre of Bratislava. We decided to find a new place for our festival headquarters, one that could attract a wider audience. After long searching and bargaining we traced down an empty building on Laurinská street no. 14 designed by the architect Štefan Ďurkovič in the 70ties ot the 20th century. Originally it was the centre of the State Design Institute. Seven empty floors will provide a generous space for exhibiting contemporary design. Its extravagant architecture in the historical part of Bratislava makes it an ideal place for shownig a lot of international contemporary design creations. The building hasn’t been used for a long time, and is in terrible condition. A great restoration begins! If anyone wants to give a hand just sign in on:


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By pleasant coincidence a a new coffee shop Urban House is now opening on the first floor of the building, it will be the second coffeehouse in our town started by, following the successful Urban Space on SNP square. There you can find a secure, delicious and refreshing home port of the festival.

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laurinska mensi



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