We Are Not Sisters

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We Are Not Sisters


Young fashion brand We Are Not Sisters (WRNS) creates unique clothes with a sense of humor and a strong attention to detail by linking product design and fashion design (often multifunctional). Two product designer Lucia Jarošová and Tamara Markovičová Tothová cooperate in this label. The presented ready-to-wear collection is inspired by the logo in the shape of a diamond heart and works with strict geometric lines and shapes. Designers pay attention primarily on wearability, comfort and practicality of their clothes but also on good looks. Their selection of materials, colors, and especially the work procedure confirms that their background is in industrial design. The prototypes of garments must pass strict tests – their designers wear them to improve all details, and only then can they finally go into small series production.


[button colour=“grey“ type=“0″ size=“small“ link=“http://www.wearenotsisters.com/“ target=“_self“]wearenotsisters.com[/button]

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