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slow/slov* theory, research and practice in contemporary design


Is a unique interdisciplinary postgraduate research project dedicated to design research. The project was established by PhD students form Faculty of Architecture and Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava (Zuzana Šebeková, Katarína Lauková Zajíčková) because of the need for theoretical discourse on design (including architectural and urban planning) in our area. The main aim of the project is to encourage the establishment and development of a domestic debate of the relevant actors – designers, theorists as well as users on the current trends and the importance and impact of design in society.

Last year, the project was carried out by an exhibition for the professionals, as well as the wider general public, intended to convey the current theoretical basis of design concepts through illustrative examples, in the broader context of their creation and implementation. This autumn the students will organize several interdisciplinary workshops/discussions.

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