ÚĽUV Design Studio Bratislava

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ÚĽUV Design Studio Bratislava


In Zuzana Šindlíkova’s curators choice, the ÚĽUV Design Studio will present works by students from the he School of Applied Arts of Josef Vydra in Bratislava, from the 17.9. 2014 until the 10.1.2015. The theme is blueprint and its transformation to contemporary design. The exhibition entitled Blue Blues(s) is just one of many happenings prepared by ÚĽUV in 2014 within a project aimed at blueprint. Participating on the exhibition in the ÚĽUV Design Studio are the Department of Textile hand-processing in arts and the Department of Design and Shaping of Wood. The visitors will be able to see how the students coped with this traditional technique in a variety of works – the exhibition will present blueprint forms, fabrics, pattern proposals, but also finished products like blueprint bags, clothes, pillows, a notebook case or tablet.


[button colour=“grey“ type=“0″ size=“small“ link=“http://www.uluv.sk/“ target=“_self“]www.uluv.sk[/button]


V. Muchová (Department of Textile hand-processing in arts): Pattern proposal. Photo: ŠÚV J. Vydru archive

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