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School: The Private High Art School of Design in Bratislava
Authors: teachers – MichalkováKatarína, SzegényRóbert; Students: BakováElvíra, Dömeny Christian, Ferreira Danielle, GoffaDávid, Huraj Filip, Meszárosová Alexandra, Nechala Michal, Petrák Marek, Pipíška Adam, Žák Michal

The students of the School of Design in Bratislava made an installation for the visitors of BADW 2018. Its main elements is a mirror cubusthat provides a human with a refuge and hideout keeping the looks from the outside world away. A visitor will be exposed to the only sight – his/her own, but multiplied in through infinite mirroring. A paradoxical situation occurs here: a visitor is exposed to his/her own sight at him/herself from an endless number of perspectives; he/she finds him/herselflonely, but also in the crowd of his/herself. Isolated from the surroundings, he/she can realise his/her uniqueness, explore his/her own identity, reproduce and spread his/her picture in an endless virtual space or let him/herself be engulfed by the crowd of his/her own undistinguishable copies.

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