Chad & Steve

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Small Dicks is an artist duo working under the stylized alter ego Chad and Steve. In their art, they comment and react to different social situations, approaching it with an absurd manner, language and a light-hearted view, which allows them to parody grandeur and egoism.

The resulting form of the artworks comes out from their mutual discussions and polemics on the issues of a specific topic. In these artistic discussions, just like their moniker suggests, they position themselves in a contradictory representation of grandeur, egoism and pomposity. A desire for bigger privates understood as an archetype of a dominance of self-confidence is in our case trivialised and seen as an ironic absurdity.

Within the Bratislava Design Week, they will present their piece “The Golden Brick” that ironically portrays a human desire for perpetual sensation and immediate gratification.

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