Pracuje od roku 2006 v MAKu — vo Viedni. Ako kurátorka pre digitálnu kultúru sa podieľa na koncepcii Viedenského bienále a je vedúcou MAK Design Collection. Kurátorsky organizuje výstavy v oblasti umenia, dizajnu, architektúry a technológií vrátane Vienna Biennale 2017 a Vienna Biennale 2019 s výstavou UNCANNY VALUES: Artificial Intelligence & You

has been working for the MAK—Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art in Vienna since 2006. As a curator for Digital Culture, she is involved in the conception of the Vienna Biennale and is head of the MAK Design Collection. She curates exhibitions in the fields of art, design, architecture, and technology, including Vienna Biennale 2017 and Vienna Biennale 2019, with the exhibition UNCANNY VALUES: Artificial Intelligence & You.