Čin Čin Gallery

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Galéria Čin Čin


The September ’s exhibition of jewelry entitled “We’re doing great, thanks” in Čin Čin Gallery, is focused on a selection from the creations of the well known jewler – Viera Brunovská. The presented pieces reflect her personal attitude and feelings, they are her diaries and chronicals. Constant experiments with design, emphasis on detail, and precise craftsmanship are characteristic for Brunovska’s work

Čin Čin Gallery on Podjavorinská st. has profiled itself during its 4 year existance into an exhibiting space designated to presentation and sale of paintings, jewelry and graphics. The gallery is primarily focused on the contemporary Slovakian art scene.


[button colour=“grey“ type=“0″ size=“small“ link=“http://www.galeriacincin.sk/“ target=“_self“]www.galeriacincin.sk[/button]

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