Crafting plastics! štúdio založili v roku 2016 dizajnéri Vlasta Kubušová a Miroslav Král. Sídlia medzi Berlínom a Bratislavou. Na #BADW2020PandemicEdition premiérovo odprezentujú novú kolekciu nábytku z biodegradovateľného NUATANu. Uvidíte v Apponyiho paláci.
In crafting plastics! studio we are trying to introduce sustainable products where the team is actively involved in all value-added stages. We emphasize low-key and high-end. By combining craft + technology, fast + slow production methods, we discover the mostly unknown field of bioplastics derived from plants. These, together with compatible technologies, are being explored and possible applications tested.
crafting plastics! studio was founded in 2016 by product designer Vlasta Kubušová and production designer Miroslav Král. The studio is based between Berlin and Bratislava.