“Design of everydayness“

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„Design of everydayness“


„Everydayness is an entirely subjective experience that occurs in a life of an individual as well as in communities of people. We exist – we live, work, relax, establish relationships. Our existence leaves a mark that is based in complicated social, economic and cultural interaction. We are designers of our own everydayness and co-designers of our common everydayness.“ Local Act

Design of everydayness is an open and unlimited project about discovering, recording, reflecting and disseminating of how space is perceived. We believe the openness is a building block of a well-operating city that produces its power. Boundlessness relates to how we perceive space – we do not understand it as a single, specific and closed something, we believe it is unlimited, produced by repeating seemingly trivial activities on everyday basis. We contemplate it as clearly defined moments within a network of social relations.

The main objective is to contribute to the contemplations about meaning of space in our everyday life, to identify impulses and to open space for other approaches that may, in various ways and at various levels of cooperation, improve the way how residents and users may identify themselves with a space where their everydayness takes place and to help in defining urban experience.

Concept of „Design of everydayness“ is a response to “City at full throttle!” – the main motif of the 5th BDW festival. The project aims to involve the residential community in which the activities of the festival will take place into action. We will engage the periphery of the downtown – everydayness of the streets of Štefánikova, Šancová (and Pražská), Žilinská, Karpatská, Palárikova, Povraznícka, Námestie slobody etc. This area will host our activities as well as activities of cooperating initiatives from 17 until 22 September. The project is presented as the parallel area of the festival. More information about events to be presented soon.


[button colour=“grey“ type=“0″ size=“small“ link=“http://www.localact.sk/“ target=“_self“]www.localact.sk[/button]

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