Eggplant gallery

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Eggplant gallery


Eggplant gallery was established with enthusiasm for jewellery production and a need of a space dedicated to its presentation. It intends to provide a chance and space to both exhibit and sell, to youngjewellers, graduates of the AFAD in Bratislava. The gallery is situated in the center of Old town, on Panenská street, with a very small but charismatic space with a long history. The gallery attempts to create a worthy platform for the presentation of differentapproaches in recentjewellery, and address both experts and the general public. We also hope that the future activities of the gallery will spread beyond Slovakian borders and we will be able to present international production. The Eggplant’s exhibit in September is called “no flowers”, and presents four students of the well-known German jewellerHermanHermsen: KarinMaisch, Katrin Suschka, Vera Aldejohann a Ricarda Wolf.


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eggplant Karin_Maisch

eggplant Ricarda_Wolf


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