@bokor_tomas http://www.bokortom.com/
The relief paintings I create are created through layers of plaster that contain frescoes, paintings, graffiti, posters or other traces and references to our civilization in the urban environment. Once the plaster is layered, I gradually deconstruct the images, mimicking the natural process of decay, which is always ongoing, natural and irreversible. The result is a relief painting reminiscent of the ruined walls of old buildings. On one surface, the present meets the "past", various gestures, memories, contexts often influenced also by my feelings and opinions about different situations and society. Their basic idea is to return to the past, which had much stronger values than the present. At the same time, a lesson and inspiration for the present, which brings an uncertain or even fatal future. The whole process of construction and restoration to archaeological uncovering of the layers of the painting is conscious and thought out in advance. I use a variety of traditional and non-traditional painting techniques in my work. I have explored the layering techniques and composition of the building materials, plasters, and squeegees that I use experimentally. The paintings are adjusted on frames, the supporting surface is jute canvas.

Wave no. 8 - Ego (2022) - plaster, concrete, asphalt, acrylic, spray, pigment, poster, scratches and destruction on canvas, 137 x 94 x 5 cm. The painting EGO is about the destruction of the toxic ego. An ego that prevents one from seeing reality and the importance of relationships. By destroying the layers of plaster and asphalt with the repetitive graffiti inscription EGO, layers of vibrant, positive colours found beneath the shell of negativity and selfishness are also metaphorically revealed. #destructiveexpressionism