Industrial Design Studio, AFAD in Bratislava

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Industrial Design Studio, AFAD in Bratislava


Head of Studio: Doc. Ferdinand Chrenka, acad. soch.

Assistant: Mgr. art. Eva Vítkovská


Industrial Design Studio focuses on intensive cooperation with specific Slovak and foreign manufacturers and institutions, it had 5 such cooperations in 2014. The project has brought a series of first-rate proposals, many of which came to the production line in several companies. The aim of the cooperation between Industrial Design Studio and the company TON is a study of the specifics involved in the creation of furniture design, in a real environment of a historically significant Czech company, successor of the famous Thonet. The project with has brought the students an opportunity to look behind the scenes of the production of sitting bags, to create their own designs and materialize their unique ideas.


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Lenka Abonyiová: Sleeping bag for TULI. Photo: Adam Šakový

Vlasta Kubušová: chair TON. Photo: Peter Simoník

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TON TULI, kubusova, abonyiova


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