Zheni studio a Kristína Šipulová

Zmena je jediná istota.
Premena, rast, zmena fyzikálnej formy, všetko v prírode podstupuje tento proces. Materiál s ktorým pracujeme, vnímame, pozorujeme a počúvame. Nepremieňame ho, ale pomáhame mu v jeho vlastnej premene.

Spoločná inštalácia dizajnérok je o hľadaní presahov keramiky a textilu. Poukazuje na proces, vzájomný dialóg materiálov a ich postupnú transformáciu.

ZHENI is a ceramic design studio. I’m a ceramic designer. Started my professional career as an architect and later as an interior designer, I continue to work with space now by placing my objects in it. Mostly I work with clay as with one of the ancient and natural material human worked with. Perception of the way material got through the thousands of years in different cultures all around the globe gives me a dose of verve.ňň

photo: Ľubo Baran @lubo.baran


Kristína Šipulová

Kristína’s work is the intersection of revival of handweaving and delicacy in the making of textiles. Grew up in Telgárt, surrounded by rich slovak’s textile heritage, she has also taken inspirations from different countries where she has lived. During her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Slovakia and at the Oslo National Academy of Arts, Norway, she undertook internship at Danish studio Beck&Kinch, where she was producing custom-made, hand-woven fabrics for Chanel. She gained experiences as Visual researcher at Studio Edelkoort in Paris and at Design Assistant at Studio Marlène Huissoud. In Paris, she has also been teaching Textiles and Colour Theory courses at the International Fashion Academy IFA Paris.

photo: Jakub Čaprnka @nora.jakub @jakub.caprnka


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