Karol Pichler / Manifestation

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Karol Pichler / Manifestation


Manifestation is one of the means to bring a dream into the real world. Manifestation shows the will and strength to realize some dreamed values, in other words, every manifestation starts with a dream about change or improve something. Today there are all kinds of manifestations in everyday life and are no more certainly intended to one (social) groups. Every citizen without class or social distinction manifests. In the morning, when a man leaving its house still doesn’t know in which manifestation will end the day. The kit is intended to operational ones to join the demonstration easily. This kit contains everything for making a banner with replaceable text – templates, colors and finally a luxurious scarf, which can be transformed into a mask. Kit was exposed at the Biennale of Design in St. Etienne last year.


[button colour=“grey“ type=“0″ size=“small“ link=“https://www.facebook.com/karol.pichler.9″ target=“_self“]www.facebook.com/karol.pichler[/button]

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