Laura Couto Rosado

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Laura Couto Rosado


The young Swiss designer will present her project “Sing of a silica”, which received the Grand Prix award at Design Parade 2014 in Hyéres, France. The jury consisted of designers like Scholten and Baijings or Mette Hay from the Danish design brand HAY.

Designer’s focus was on technologies and their abilities to create a piece of art or performance by themselves. She used materials like silica, a stone which is associated with healing powers or mysterious abilities. At the same time this material is used in modern technologies thanks to its quality characteristics. For example in computers, mobile phones, tablets or microprocessors. The designer works with crystals of silica which she joins with frequency generator, booster and transformer and this connection result in mood singing. The sound comes into existence by the presence of a spectator who starts the vibration of the engine. She claims that it is a kind of humanization and an addition of poetry into technologies that surrounds us. The designer lives and works in Geneva and is a part of an experimental studio working with digital technologies in transmission.


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