Maja Božović / Design Lab

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Maja Božović

After graduating from textile design at AFAD in Bratislava, Maja Božović picked up her professional skills in the Belgian avant-garde studios such as A. F. Vandevorst, Honest by Bruno Pieters or Trois Quarts as well as in the MayaMay studio in Bratislava. Her work won her the first place at the Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week 2012, the Young Fashion Designer award from Tatra banka Foundation in 2013 and the Best Fashion Graduate award in 2014 from the Slovak Fashion Council. The artist heads towards sustainable fashion, guided by the idea of “upcycling and recycling”. In the collection Luxury Problems, she uses upcycled, organic and non-traditional materials, dealing with the issues of personal and collective identity. The question “Who are we?” in her clothing concerns primarily the spiritual side of a human, human preferences, values and desires. Her clothing silhouettes, colours and details seek to evoke feelings of diversity and playfulness. The project is supported by Slovak Fashion Council.

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