Mind the Gap!

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Mind the Gap!


During the festival, we invite you to a practical and informal conference for designers, entrepreneurs and for the creative! One of our guests, Gergely Böszörményi-Nagy from the Hungarian non-profit organization Design Terminál, will unveil a story of building the “strongest ecosystem in central Europe” and also answer the question if a government can meaningfully support a connection between industry and design. Other speakers include: Marketing expert Peter Šebo, Martin Guttman from the well-known Slovakian company Tuli, or Tomáš Nagy from the renowned graphics and design studio plus421. Join us and find out more about the designer’s international cooperation and about possibilities of combining industry with design. The conference is held by Denamit, an independent group of designers and artists, found to support and present Slovakian design and useful art.


[button colour=“grey“ type=“0″ size=“small“ link=“http://denamit.sk/projekt/mind-the-gap“ target=“_self“]denamit.sk[/button]

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