Sometile, ceramic mosaics

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Sometile, ceramic mosaics


Our studio is focused on the design and production of original ceramic mosaics, independent interior and exterior accessories. The mosaics are made from hand crafted and glazed tiles. Our aim is to present our client with an extraordinary experience, provided by a combination of traditional ceramic techniques and modern graphic design. The services of our studio include cooperation with architects in search for the ideal disposition solutions, artistic processing of the mosaic, and finally the realization of the project itself. Interior can be also be livened up by the installation of solitary ceramic pieces from our studios production.

Sometile Studio was founded 2008 in Bratislava

Founders: Sylvia Ciulisová a Vladimír Korček

Realizations: ca. 20 in public and private spaces mostly in Bratislava, but also in Košice, Prešov, Nitra, Wien


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