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TECHO is one of the leading European producers and suppliers of office furniture. Since 2005 TECHO is a part of a Netherlands’ furnishing group ROYAL AHREND, world’s number three in the business. The furniture designers in TECHO are erudite names like Hans Verboom (Netherlands), Petr Kolář and Aleš Lapka (ADR, CZE), Jiří Pelcl (CZE), and others. The design of TECHO products has received several international prizes, the last one being Red Dot Design Award 2010, for the office system W.O.T. The showroom of the company in Bratislava is situated in a distinct area of an industrial object from the 50’s of the 20th century. With its specific atmosphere, it is frequently host to social and art happenings, presenting current architectural and design works of local and foreign authors.


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