Trivjednom present: Emil Drličiak_Mr.Zero

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Trivjednom present: Emil Drličiak_Mr.Zero


Emil Drličiak, born on the 17th of May 1973 in Žilina. He studied graphical design under professor Longauer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. He attended internships on École de Beaux-Arts, Saint Etienne in France and the Akademija za Likovno in Umetnost in Ljubljana. He led the graphical design studio III at AFAD in Bratislava from 1999 to 2001. Since 1997 he is a successful scenographer, artistic costumer and a poster designer, for theaters in Slovakia and Czech Republic. He is an author of the visual outlook of books and catalogues, e.g. Macbeth, Immanuel Kant, Divadelná Nitra 2005, Oskar Čeplán prize 2001-2005. He created emblems for the Nation’s Memory Institute, Istrobanka, Trenčín city, Slovak Design Centre, and many more. His creations are displayed in the Slovak National Gallery, in the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague and in private collections.


An exhibition of Emil Drilčiak is here! Featured on Bratislava Design Week and presented by studio trivjednom in their spaces on Pražská 11.

“An interview with Emil is an experience, which we cannot promise, but we will try to mediate it through a part of his extensive archive.”


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