Vladimir 518, Vec, Džunya G on Bratislava Design Week!

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Vladimir 518, Vec, Džunya G on Bratislava Design Week!


The connection of BADW 2013 is not by accident. Beside the fact, that Vladimir 518 is one of the oldest names among well-known Czech rappers, member of PSH group and the founder of Big Boss label, he is also famous as a remarkable figure in the graffiti background, illustrator, comics artist and the author of scenography  for the performances of experimental group TOW (Nočná mora, Turing Machine a Teória). As a side project of this theater activity he found project SPAM together with David Vrbík. Project specializes on the audiovisual synchronization of sound and light and you will get a chance to see it on BADW. In Bratislava MMC club he will present his second solo album IDIOT. Slovak hip-hop legend Vec will perform as a guest star also with DJ Džunya G. On Saturday 21.9 at 21.00

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